Variation of eastern Mediterranean seagrass meadows under multiple stressors | - CCMAR -

Variation of eastern Mediterranean seagrass meadows under multiple stressors

Quarta, 26 Fevereiro, 2020
Room 2.31 I Building 7 I Gambelas Campus

Topic: Eastern Mediterranean Sea is particularly vulnerable to multiple stressors and thus, it is crucial to investigate the vulnerability and response of its seagrass meadows to global pressures, where we still lack a thorough investigation. To achieve this, we are assessing the causes and consequences in the function and genetic diversity of eastern Mediterranean P.oceanica meadows along a gradient of pressure and conservation status across Greek seas.

About our speaker:

Victoria Litsi Mizan holds a BSc in Biology from the University of Athens. MSc in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution in CIBIO Institute. Currently, PhD student in HCMR of Crete.


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