NGS Bioinformatics seminars & workshops: Case Studies - il buono, il bruto, il cattivo | - CCMAR -

NGS Bioinformatics seminars & workshops: Case Studies - il buono, il bruto, il cattivo




13:30h - A uncommon model for host-parasite interaction. Getting both sides of the story | Ricardo Leite (IGC)


14:00h - Diversity, function and expression in comparative metatranscriptomics, a three-body problem for ecologists? | Gareth Pearson (CCMAR)


14:20h - coffee break

14:30h - Counting flatfish heads. The metamorphosis of bioinformatics methodology | Bruno Louro (CCMAR)



Date: 15th January

Time: 1:30pm to 17:00pm

Location: Amph. B (CP - Campus de Gambelas)











