Vanadium Biochemistry: book edited by a CCMAR researcher | - CCMAR -

Vanadium Biochemistry: book edited by a CCMAR researcher


Recently released, the book about Vanadium Biochemistry, was edited by Aureliano Alves, CCMAR’s member, which leads the group Inorganic Biochemistry and Cell.
The Vanadium is known for many years for its ability to "mimick" and also to increase the activity of insulin.

It is estimated that in 2025, about 30 million people will suffer from diabetes, which means that the interest in Vanadium covers not only the area of chemistry, but also the biochemistry, biology, toxicology, pharmacology and medicine.
The book now published by Research Signpost, India, brought together contributions of several researchers from different fields, whom for many years have devoted their research to the study of Vanadium.

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