Projetos | Page 2 | - CCMAR -
Acrónimo Título Coordenador Grupo Início Fim Financiamento Orçamento CCMAR
CRUSTAPANHA Study of the ecology, biology and population dynamics of small crabs with commercial interest existing along the Portuguese coast Francisco Leitão 05/2018 09/2021
MARAFRICA MARAFRICA - A network monitoring, integrating and assessing marine biodiversity data along the west Africa to understand, predict and mitigate climatic / oceanographic changes. Ester Serrão 11/2022 12/2024
AKDN foundation (AGA KHAN)
STRAITS Strategic Infrastructure for improved animal Tracking in European Seas David Maria Aguiar Abecasis 01/2023 12/2026
FISHODOR Integrating conspecific odors into tilapia reproductive behavior - FISHODOR Adelino Canário 06/2017 05/2020
PESCARDATA2 Recolha de dados sobre a pesca recreativa em Portugal Mafalda Rangel Malheiro Dias de Oliveira 04/2020
BREEDFLAT New approaches on the dietary-effects in broodfish: the role of nutrition on sustainable production of flatfish Elsa Cabrita 11/2021 04/2024
EEA Grants - Programa Crescimento Azul
INNATEMEM Utilizando treino da imunidade inata para aumentar a resistência de bivalves marinhos a doenças Joao Carlos dos Reis Cardoso 03/2023 08/2024
EMSO-PT EMSO-PT.: Observatório Europeu Multidisciplinar do Fundo do Mar e Coluna de Água - Portugal Paulo Relvas 07/2017 03/2022
AquaVitae New species, processes and products contributing to increased production and improved sustainability in emerging low trophic, and existing low and high trophic aquaculture value chains in the Atlantic Sofia Engrola 05/2019 10/2023
MASS Microplastics in the Aquatic environment: Sources and Sinks Isabel Marín Beltrán 03/2019 03/2025