Projetos | - CCMAR -
Acrónimo Título Coordenador Grupo Início Fim Financiamento Orçamento CCMAR
MicroMetaMobil Harnessing the power of the microbial metamobilome: using marine sponges as models to uncover novel biotechnological appliances from symbiont communities Rodrigo da Silva Costa
EuroMarine Integration of European Marine Research Networks Adelino Canário
CABFishMAN Conserving Atlantic Biodiversity by Supporting Innovative Small-scale Fisheries Co-management
SaMGP Effect of extracellular calcium on MGP gene expression Vincent Laizé 03/2003 03/2006 99,62k€
FLORA Efeito de alterações globais na flora marinha portuguesa numa escala temporal longa Rui Santos 12/2003 08/2007
Glocal Youth Agreement 2003-4649/001-001 EDU ELEARN GLOCAL YOUTH (IT015) Adelino Canário 01/2004 07/2005 33,28k€
FERSEX Identification of Sex Pheromones from the Anal Gland of Male Blennies, Salaria pavo and S. fluviatilis (Pisces: Blenniidae) 02/2004 06/2007
MGE Implementation of high-throughput genomic approaches to investigate the functioning of marine ecosystems and the biology of marine organisms. Adelino Canário 03/2004 08/2008 572,23k€
AQUAFIRST Combined genetic and functional genomic approaches for stress and disease resistance marker assited selection in fish and shellfish. Adelino Canário 11/2004 04/2008 120,00k€
CALCIUM Physiology of PTHrP in fish, relevance to calcium balance of an unique hypercalcemic factor. Juan Fuentes 01/2005 02/2008