Fish gamete & embryo cryopreservation: state of the art. In: Aquaculture Biotechnology, Garth L. Fletcher and Matthew L. Rise (Eds). | - CCMAR -

Book Chapter

TitleFish gamete & embryo cryopreservation: state of the art. In: Aquaculture Biotechnology, Garth L. Fletcher and Matthew L. Rise (Eds).
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsHerráez, MP, Cabrita, E, Robles, V
Book Title Aquaculture Biotechnology, Garth L. Fletcher and Matthew L. Rise (Eds).
Number of Volumes1
ChapterFish gamete & embryo cryopreservation: state of the art.
ISBN Number13:978-08138-1028-7
CCMAR Authors