Gene flow in Ecklonia in South Africa | - CCMAR -

Gene flow in Ecklonia in South Africa

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Room 2.31 I Building 7 I Gambelas Campus

An “Ecklonia contact zone” has recently formed at the southern tip of Africa, following a recent eastward shift in the range of E. maxima. Here, both E. maxima and E. radiata co-occur creating mixed populations along the coast. This contact zone also falls within a major biogeographical transition zone between the warm and cooler regions of this coastline. The aim of the present study is to determine whether E. maxima and E. radiata hybridize in this recent contact zone.


About our speaker:

Maggie Reddy is a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Cape Town in South Africa and is currently collaborating with Prof. Ester Serrão.


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